Monday 26 April 2010

Bodging in the Woods

Had a great time in Glebe Woods yesterday running a workshop for 5 new and enthusiastic green woodworkers.  It is 8.5 acres of Chestnut & Hazel coppice with Oak Standards - definitely the best place for bodging.  Chris had cut some overstood Chestnut and Hazel so there was loads of raw material and I bought some nice logs away with me ready for next weekend's demo at Burghley.

As there were plenty available I used a pole to power this lathe...

...and a live coppice shoot for this one.

A lot of concentration is required when using an axe for the first time.

Stools, benches, clubs, dibbers, spoons and spatulas were made and I think a great time was had by all including Jed who tired himself out chasing round the woods with Zero, Chris's black labrador.  He's spent a lot of time in his bed catching up on sleep since we got back although we did have a walk to the Lost Pond and saw billions of these...

1 comment:

Seamus said...

Former site of the local franchise
for The Frog and Peach